b'ourenvironmentand contextIntroduction of the new Child Care SubsidyThe Australian Governments new Child Care Subsidyability of vulnerable families to access the additional (CCS) was introduced with effect from 2 July 2018,support they need and are entitled to. following extensive consultation and reviews. The newOur fundamental concern is that the intent of the subsidy combines two former subsidies (the Child Carelegislation and much of the rhetoric around the Child Rebate and the Child Care Benefit) and applies newCare Subsidy (particularly in some elements of the media) criteria for eligibility and calculation of payments. Theis focused on the cost of child care, and based on the introduction of the CCS meant new processes for centresassumption that child care exists only to allow women to and families, new IT systems introduced and tested,work or study.and frequent conversations and communications withSDN continues to advocate for the fact that quality families around how the changes could affect them. early childhood education and care is in the best The impact of the new subsidy for families has beeninterests of children, and policy decisions that impact on varied, and some have ended up better off and somechildrens ability to access early childhood education and worse off financially. We remain concerned about thecare should be made in that context. 17'