b'A key way SDN achieves our purpose of enhancingOn Esmes first visit, the PlayLinks team asked her childrens wellbeing, learning and development inwhat aspects of Ariyas development she wanted inclusive environments, is by running playgroups.their help with. We ask the families about certain Theyre informal, free gatherings where children and families can play, connect, and learn.aspects of their childs development and the PlayLinks is a supported playgroup that SDN holdssupport they need because every child is unique. weekly in three community centres across WesternTherefore the engagement will be unique as well, Sydney. Run by trained staff, theyre safe spaces wheresays Theodora.children and their families can engage in play-based learning. Parents can access information about early childhood development and receive general parentingAriya didnt trust her body, or herself, or her legs advice. and had a fear of going through the tunnel when Esme Theodora Hatzihrisafis, the SDN PlayLinks Facilitator,started bringing her to PlayLinks. She actually didnt recently had an in-depth chat with Esme, one of thewalk until she was 2030 months I just assumed shed mothers who attends PlayLinks Lalor Park playgroup.walk when she was ready. We want to share Esmes journey with everyone becauseFortunately she found the supportive and nurturing it highlights how inclusion and support helps childrenenvironment of SDN PlayLinks. The team encourages and families thrive. and promotes the familys child rearing practices using Esme and her husband bought a house in Lalora strength-based approach, says Theodora. Using Park when their daughter Ariya was one year old. Esmedisciplines of early childhood development and social said she didnt know anyone here, so I was lost. Theirwork, PlayLinks teams participate in dialogue with son was born not long after, and Esme realised shefamilies to discuss understandings and feelings about couldnt have two children cooped up inside all day. Sotheir child and ascertaining goals.when Jordie was old enough to have his vaccinations weEsme was given guidance, and the PlayLinks decided to start looking for somewhere to feel like hometeam worked in partnership with her to build Ariyas again. physical confidence. This was done with a very hands-Esme and her children have attended Lalor Parkon approach. A PlayLinks instructor literally crawled PlayLinks for over a year now. She says that she camethrough the tunnel to show Ariya how its done and that across this place because we were searching forthere was nothing to be afraid of! somewhere to belong.Esme told Theodora that The first time she crawled Her search began by visiting libraries in the area,through a tunnel and the first time she balanced on to see what was on offer in the local community. Whenanything was here. I remember looking over, and she was they tried Lalor Park library one Wednesday, a PlayLinkstrying to do it herself, and we were all like yes! with glee.instructor or educator called us inwould you like toTheodora says I love the uniqueness and inclusiveness come in and see what were about?. The group wasof the PlayLinks program and that it advocates how halfway through their session so Esme decided to bringimportant play is for a childs development. The inter-her children another time. When she did, the Lalor Parkdisciplinary practices of PlayLinks makes Ariyas story a team actually remembered us and welcomed us instand-out example of the additional value SDN provides to weve been coming ever since. communities through our PlayLinks playgroups.33'