46 2018 2017 $ $ Revenue 52,488,773 51,781,588 Employee benefits expenses (40,449,660) (41,325,280) Occupancy expenses (3,304,417) (3,304,177) Administration expenses (4,499,567) (3,609,890) Service delivery expenses (2,833,601) (3,636,940) Depreciation expenses (1,252,702) (1,227,074) Surplus/(Deficit) before income tax expense 148,826 (1,321,773) Income tax expense — — Surplus/(Deficit)for the year 148,826 (1,321,773) Other comprehensive income, net of tax Will not be reclassified to profit or loss Revaluation gain on land and buildings — 3,405,070 Total comprehensive income for the year 148,826 2,083,297 Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income SDN’s Directors’ Report, full financial statements and accompanying notes are available on our website www.sdn.org.au