Step by Step Enrolment Checklist
We’ve developed an easy-to-follow enrolment checklist that guides you through the five phases required to enrol your child into childcare.
Start here - watch and learn about the five phases via the short video below.
Please note: If you have a case worker they can support you through all five phases, and Childcare centre staff cannot help you with any of the tasks described in the Prepare phase.
Next, if you don't already have a copy, download and/or print our Enrolment Roadmap and Checklist.
Keep these handy, as you'll need to refer to them throughout the process.
Download the Enrolment Roadmap here.
Download the Enrolment Checklist here.
Scroll below to view the links needed for each phase. You can also use the below links to jump to any of the phases.
Step 1. Prepare
Below are all the links needed to help you to prepare all the documents and information you need to access government funding and enrolment.

Customer Reference Number (CRN)

Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
How to do it:
Read the 'Child Care Subsidy' article by Services Australia, which explains what the CCS is and how to get it.
Find out more:
You can estimate what your family might pay for early childhood education and care by using the Child Care Subsidy calculator tool.
If you are looking for more information on the Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS), learn more via Services Australia.

Immunisation status
How to do it:
You’ll need to provide your Medicare details as part of the CCS application so the government can see your child's immunisation status.
This includes your Medicare number—the 10-digit number above your name—and your Individual Reference Number—the one or two-digit number next to your name.
You can also download your immunisation status from the Medicare app:
- Download the Medicare app via the Apple Store here.
- Download the Medicare app via Google Play here.
Find out more:
Learn more about what the Immunisation Requirements via Services Australia.

Possible Extra Documents: Medical Management Plans (only if suitable)
How to do it:
Your centre will need a copy of this document in case your child needs medical attention, for example in the case of an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis.
You can ask your GP for a copy or download a sample template from ASCIA here.
Step 2. Find
In the Finding phase, you will discover what kind of centre suits your child and family, search for centres, and then book a tour.

Your Preferences
Find out more:
Make a list of what you need from a childcare centre to help you target your research.
If you are unsure what to look for, read the article 'Choosing a quality service' by the NSW Government Department of Education.

Shortlisting Centres
How to do it:
You can search and shortlist childcare centres using trustworthy online directories such as:
Step 3. Visit
Explore a number of childcare centres to find out which one will best suit your child's needs.

Waiting List
Find out more:
Read the Careforkids article “Winning the wait-list war” for tips and strategies for managing the waiting list process.
If you are interested in joining the waitlist for an SDN centre, we'd also recommend reading SDN's Priority of Access policy to understand how we prioritise access to our early education and care centres.

Questions to ask
Find out more:
To help you prepare for a successful centre tour, we've created a detailed tour guide including a list of questions to ask, as well as things to look for.
Find the full guide here.
Step 4. Enrol
Officially enrol your child and apply for government funding, using the information collected.

Accepting Enrolment
How to do it:
Most childcare centres will make you a verbal offer that will then be followed up with an email with a link to your offer, for you to accept or decline.
Once you’ve enrolled your child, you’ll have to confirm the enrolment through your Centrelink account (using MyGov) if you’re claiming the Child Care Subsidy or Additional Child Care Subsidy.
Please note the Child Care Subsidy covers up to 42 absences days in a financial year. Find out more about how absences are covered by CCS and how to track your child's absences via Services Australia.
Find out more:
This Services Australia article explains the process for confirming and accepting your child's enrolment.
Step 5. Settle
In the Settling phase, you'll be attending orientation sessions and understanding how to prepare for your child's first day and first few weeks in care.

First Day/Week
In the Careforkids 'Checklist for starting Childcare' article, there is some great advice for families preparing their child for a first day at childcare.
On our SDN Village of Learning, we also have two guides with tips and tricks for settling into your centre, the first guide for 'Before you start' and then secondly, 'The first few weeks'.
Other resources:
- If you need help in your language, you can access resources via Services Australia.
- If you are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander you are eligible for at least 36 hours of CCS per fortnight, learn more about this and access additional help here.
- To be eligible for government funding you must meet the residence rules.
How to do it:
You can get a CRN by proving who you are with Centrelink, with either of these options:
Find out more:
Learn what a CRN is, how to get one for the first time or access one that you might already have by reading this article: 'Accessing My Customer Reference Number for the Child Care Subsidy', by Careforkids.