DIY wrapping paper

Enjoy making your own special swirly-wurly wrapping paper. Children will love seeing their own artwork and designs on gifts for family and friends.
Skills and benefits:
- Creativity
- Mathematical and scientific concepts
What you'll need:
- Shaving foam
- White paper
- Food colouring
- Jars/Paint pots
- Droppers
- 1 large tray
- A ruler
- A paintbrush or stick
What to do:
1. Spread shaving foam on a flat tray 1cm thick
2. Using droppers, squirt the water colours onto the shaving foam.
3. Using the pointy end of the paint brush or a stick, draw patterns or swirls in the coloured shaving foam.
4. Gently place paper on top of the foam and print the patterns onto it.
5. Peel the paper back
6. Lay the paper down on a flat surface and use a ruler to scrape all excess shaving foam off the paper and you are left with beautiful wrapping paper!