Nutrition and Mealtimes
We provide children with a variety of healthy foods, and cater for children with allergies and intolerances.
SDN Glebe is a cosy centre with a pleasant, home-like atmosphere that offers early childhood education and child care for 29 children from birth to school age. It is also an occasional care centre for the local community.
Growing bodies need movement and exercise. Growing minds need stimulus and exploration. Growing hearts need opportunities to play and mix with others.
At SDN we know that the best thing we can do for your infant or toddler is to support them to grow and develop in safe, unhurried, nurturing and challenging environments.
Because infants and toddlers are naturally curious, our centres have well-equipped indoor and outdoor areas that will keep your child moving and give them daily opportunities to explore their limits and grow their abilities.
Your child is unique and so we will devise a learning and development program within our curriculum pillars, based on what we know about your child’s interests, learning and development. Because they will always be changing and growing, we consistently review the program to ensure we are keeping up with your child’s development, providing them with the best learning opportunities.
Read more about our practice with children here.
Getting school-ready is a journey. It begins with your child’s very first day at our welcoming early education and care centres and continues with our dedicated preschool program.
Developed by university-trained early childhood teachers, our preschool program focuses on the whole child. Children learn to make friends and work together, while gaining the skills and independence they need to thrive through the big transition to school.
Our preschool program follows an evidence-backed, play-based learning approach. Children have fun and follow their curiosity, while we weave in vital skills and learning outcomes.
SDN uses Australia’s Early Years Learning Framework to explore a diverse curriculum from science to social justice. Our days are predictable but flexible, blending structured and spontaneous learning, free play, movement and quiet time.
Our curriculum pillars are:
Relationship and social skills
Critical thinking and problem solving
Early literacy and numeracy
Health, wellbeing and movement
Science, technology, construction and design
Nature play and sustainability
Creative arts
Equity and social justice
Our centres have a transition to school program where our teachers and educators work together with local schools to prepare your child for a smooth transition, and support families through the process.
Read more about our preschool program here.
Families in our urban based centres often call our outdoor areas their “green oasis”.
SDN's outdoor spaces provide opportunities for children to enjoy themselves and have adventures. They’re safe environments for children to run, jump and yell, make mud cakes, and use their energy.
Outdoor spaces provide more than physical benefits. Even though you may think that children only play outside to have fun, they're also improving their thinking, social, and emotional skills. When they’re playing outside, they’re inventing games, learning about the world at their own pace, and figuring out social customs like turn-taking.
These are just some of the reasons SDN invests in developing new, award-winning outdoor spaces with natural designs that inspire children’s curiosity, physical play, and social play.
The traditional owners of the Glebe area are the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.
Originally an occasional care centre run by another organisation, Glebe became part of the SDN family in 2009 after staff and parents worked tirelessly and enthusiastically to transform the centre into SDN Glebe Children’s Education and Care Centre. All involved celebrated the reopening as staff and families were warmly welcomed to SDN with speeches and a morning tea hosted by the CEO.
On SDN Glebe’s first birthday, the local MP congratulated staff for providing high-quality and much needed education and care for children in the area.
In reflecting on SDN Glebe’s history, the importance of community has always been central to our service. Since its beginnings, the centre has undergone many changes, always maintaining and reflecting a strong connection with the families of this vibrant and diverse community.
SDN Glebe also offers half-day sessions. Half days are $110 for 0-3 years and $103 for 3-5 years, from 9am to 2pm.
The majority of families in our centres do not pay the full daily fee because they receive Child Care Subsidy (CCS) from the government.
The subsidy you may receive through the CCS will depend on:
Your child will need to meet immunisation requirements and you will need to meet residency requirements to be eligible to receive the CCS.
You can also calculate what your out-of-pocket child care costs will be on the government’s Starting Blocks Child Care Subsidy Calculator.
NSW Start Strong funding - Additional Preschool Fee Relief
On top of any CCS you may receive, the NSW Government is providing additional fee relief:
Find more information about the Start Strong program here. If you’ve read this information and you’re still unsure about what you’ll pay, please call us on 1300 831 445 or book a centre tour. We’re happy to answer your questions.
At SDN we want to ensure that all families have access to high quality, inclusive education and care as we provide at SDN Glebe. That’s why we offer the opportunity to enrol for occasional care at this centre.
Families in flexible care have the opportunity to take a full or a half-day place and must make at least one booking every 8 weeks.
Occasional care bookings are taken subject to availability on the day and you can book occasional care for either a full day or a half-day.
Half day fees will be $110 for children under three years old and $103 for children three years and over.
To find out more call us on 1300 831 445.
0-2 Babies
2-3 Toddlers
3-5 Preschoolers