DIY lava lamp

Lava lamps are a fun way to incorporate safe and effective chemical reactions as well as the children’s interest in volcanoes.
Skills and benefits:
- Creativity
- Mathematical and scientific concepts
What you'll need:
- Large glass jar
- Bicarb soda
- Red food colouring
- Water
- Vinegar
- Vegetable or olive oil
What to do:
See below the instructional video from SDN Lady McKell on how to make your own lava lamp.
- Any oil you have on hand is fine to use as it will always sit on top of the water.
- Try and have the jar 50/50 with water and oil. We used edicol to colour our water but food colouring is fine too.
- Try half water half oil and a couple of tablespoons of bi-carb. And as much vinegar as your heart desires!