Rainbow chickpea foam – sensory play

Encourage your child to explore different colours and textures, as well as early mathematical concepts through this foam play experience.
Skills and benefits
- Visual awareness
- Understanding textures
- Language development
- Spatial awareness
What you'll need:
- 2 x tins of chickpeas
- Food colouring
- A plastic tub
- Electric mixer (can be done with a whisk but will take much longer)
- Assorted cups, bowls, small containers and spoons
- Art smock/old clothes (in case of colour stains)
What to do:
- Drain liquid from chickpeas into a mixing bowl.
- Mix on high for 5-10 minutes or until liquid foams up and turns white (should resemble shaving foam).
- Separate into smaller portions and mix through food colouring.
- Pour into a tub and it's playtime
Note: Foam will melt if left in the sun