Magic milk experiment

This simple science experiment can be set up easily with everyday items from your kitchen.
Skills and benefits:
- Science
- Cause and effect
- Observation
- Curiosity
What you'll need:
- A wide bowl or pie dish
- 1-2 cups full-cream milk
- Food colouring (3-4 colours)
- 1/4 cup dishwashing liquid
- 1 small cup
- Cotton buds
What to do:
- Pour about a 1/4 cup of dishwashing liquid into a small cup or bowl
- Pour milk into the bowl or pie dish so it covers the bottom but is still shallow
- Place drops of food colouring onto the surface of the milk, spacing the drops so they don't touch.
- Dip a cotton bud into the dishwashing liquid and touch the milk with it in a few places.
- Watch the food colouring react
Why does this happen?
The dishwashing liquid is a degreaser and the molecules are reacting to the fat cells in the milk. This reaction causes the swirling movement of the colouring.